4 Simple Ways to Boost Your LinkedIn

Has your company asked you to be more active on LinkedIn? Or do you just want to get yourself out there more and be recognised as an industry voice?

We appreciate that it can seem a bit daunting, especially for those who don’t use the platform often. But the hardest part is always getting started. Once you get into the swing of using LinkedIn, making new connections and interacting with posts, your profile will sky rocket.

So, here are a few tips that can help you make the most of your time on the platform.

1. Post sharing

When sharing posts, especially from your company’s LinkedIn account, always accompany them with a comment or opinion. This personal touch attracts higher engagement from your network and can start meaningful conversations.

TOP TIP: The first line of your post is called a hook, and it’s arguably the most essential part of your post. It should grab the reader’s attention and stop the scroll. To do this, make sure your hook is relevant to the rest of your post and try to get across your knowledge of the topic.

Try to add numbers to pique interest, for example, instead of saying, “Here are some LinkedIn marketing tips,” say, “These 5 LinkedIn marketing tips…”

2. Don’t share them all

Don’t limit yourself to just ‘sharing’ your company’s posts. Mix it up by sometimes liking and commenting on the company posts instead – this engagement helps boosts the post into other people’s feeds – sometimes more effectively than sharing.

3. Share other’s posts too

Remember, your LinkedIn profile is personal, so break up the feed by sharing posts other than your company’s that resonate with you.  Sharing content/posts from other sources creates a more varied feed for your connections, and it shares your interests and personality. It also gets your profile out there too and increased your impressions across the app. Interacting and engaging with other users is a great way to grow organically.

4. Be consistent

Consistency is key, but it doesn’t mean you have to spend hours on LinkedIn to make an impact. Set aside dedicated time 2-3 times a week to engage with the platform. Consistent posting and interaction signals to the algorithm that you’re active, increasing your visibility over time.

Make it into a habit. Take the last five minutes of the working day to log onto LinkedIn and catch up on the day’s posts. Always make extra time when you have to create a post as you don’t want to rush this. Make sure your message is clear, you’ve proofread your grammar and spelling, and correctly tagged in other accounts.

For more tips and insights, check out our other blogs. For more support, get in touch with us to discuss what we can do for you.