How We Can Plot Your Marketing Strategy

Without a costed and integrated marketing strategy for your business, it is easy to fall into the trap of rushing between marketing projects and not achieving high results. On the other hand, you might find yourself so overwhelmed by what is involved in delivering an effective marketing plan that you don’t know where to start, so you don’t.

Let us help you build the foundations of your marketing strategy. With a clear understanding of your available marketing budget, the next phase will bring these foundations to life to grab the attention of your target market through a cohesive marketing strategy and content plan. With one in three media planners reporting that using content to engage with their audiences is a top strategic goal (HubSpot State of Marketing Report, 2023), it’s now or never to get your content strategy in place.

We are taking you through how we plot your marketing strategy to achieve the best results that achieve your objectives.

Market research

We start with getting to know your market, your audiences, and your competitors. 97% of marketers incorporate customer data into their decision-making process (Statista), and we are certainly no different.

In our initial research, the team will look at the marketplace as a whole to understand the gaps and opportunities.

We are experts in the meetings, events, and business travel industries, meaning we already have a very in-depth knowledge of what works and what does not.


Once we learn what the best solutions are for your business, we will talk you through the costs involved. Your strategy will be budgeted at pre-agreed costs to ensure we only create something you can afford.

Building the Strategy

Next is the fun part. We will create a strategy with different marketing components that engages effectively with your target audience. Whether you just want engaging social media content that will raise awareness of your brand, or a full strategy with thought-leadership whitepapers, press releases, and email campaigns to drive sales, we will create a bespoke plan for you.

We will plot out a day-by-day plan, complete with timescales, objectives, and action plans before talking you through our personalised strategy.


By mapping out and analysing touchpoints, we can identify opportunities to engage customers effectively and tailor your strategies to meet customer needs at each stage of the journey.


Once the strategy is underway, we will provide you with key tracking points to measure return on investment. We create monthly reports with insights, updates, and recommendations based on the previous month’s performance, so your strategy is continually updating and improving.


It’s believed that over 80% of marketers use their collected data to make strategic decisions (SAS). Whilst we take great consideration in how your content is performing, we consider other factors and objectives before making decisions on content. We like to look at things holistically.

While we review your marketing strategy when we pull your monthly insights, we have an in-depth review of your strategy as a whole, in regard to your objectives, every quarter. We want to ensure that your marketing plan is delivering and check you are happy with our service.

Our dedicated marketing team

Too busy with your core business activities to focus on your marketing? Are you dipping your toes in, but unable to fully commit? That is where we come in! We can take this responsibility off your hands by managing the day-to-day roll-out of your marketing plan for you.

With your agreed marketing strategy in place, we will get to work on implementing your marketing strategy by actioning your marketing to-do-list.

With our expertly crafted strategy and hands-on approach, we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. From social media to content creation, we will execute every detail of your marketing plan, making it a top priority. Meet the team! (we are friendly, we promise!)


Get in touch to chat about how we can support you with a killer marketing strategy.