
Organic followers on LinkedIn
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Years working together
Average website visits per month

veSpace is a Venue Find & Event Management Agency that delivers world-class venue, event and production services to world-class clientele.


The veSpace team required a strategic approach to boost their online presence, generate leads, and showcase their expertise in the industry.

What they wanted

They sought a partner capable of developing a robust marketing strategy and executing it effectively across various channels.

Our solution

Implant Marketing Director

We assigned an experienced, dedicated marketing director to work closely with veSpace, understand its business goals, and formulate a tailored marketing and PR strategy aligned with its objectives.

Full-scale fulfillment

We provide end-to-end fulfilment of the marketing strategy, handling all aspects of digital marketing, including website development, social media management, content creation, SEO optimisation, and more.

Strategic content and PR plan

We developed a comprehensive and flexible content plan to engage the target audience – including clients and industry media, to showcase veSpace’s expertise, and drive organic traffic to their digital platforms.

Tender writing and award submissions

We identify relevant industry awards and manage the submission process to enhance credibility, and we manage the veSpace bid processes and write compelling tender responses to support sales efforts.

Data reporting and analysis

We have implemented robust analytics to track the performance of marketing initiatives, providing regular reports and insights to optimise campaigns and maximise ROI.



Increased online visibility and brand awareness within the target market.


Significant growth in website traffic and lead generation.


Successful recognition through industry awards, enhancing the client’s reputation.


Enhanced sales capabilities through professionally written tender proposals, leading to increased conversion rates.


Strategic PR initiatives resulted in media coverage and industry recognition, further establishing veSpace as a trusted authority.


Continuous refinement of marketing strategies based on data-driven insights, ensuring sustained success.